

Street photography


The genre of photography that I specialize in is called street photography – literally, to take photos on the street. It is more difficult than any other genre of photography because nothing is set in stone. Even though I have been shooting street photography for quite a long time, I still feel the nerves rising in my body every time I go out in search of new subjects. Every trip, as I prepare to take my camera out, feels like my first time. My emotions are a mix of concern and excitement. There are some trips when it seems that I cannot see anything beautiful on the street, but it is in those moments that I realize: it is not about seeing, it is about being. The key is participation. When you participate, you will see just by being present.




選擇題材  Finding a subject


I often walk for miles, covering more and more ground with my feet growing sore, and still, in the end I return home with nothing. During these experiences I always keep an open mind for I know that tomorrow will be better. So often, people ask me: “Hey Charlie, how do you find your subject? I don’t know what to shoot anymore”. The reply you will always hear from me will be to find something, anything, of beauty in your neighborhood. It may not even be the object that is important – it is a “Mood”.




Aesthetic is the key 


Street photographers are often confused with photojournalists, who work in public. However, the main difference between the two is that street photography focuses on aesthetical framing while the point of photojournalism is to try and capture newsworthy objects for news reporting. The work of a street photographer is to question each situation and scene, piquing the audience’s curiosity in the subject, while photojournalists need to define the scene that is playing out.



神秘的通道 Curiosity gap


In general, what a person sees throughout their lifetime is viewed from their own eyes, at their own height. From this personal viewpoint, people form their vision of what the world looks like. As a photographer, our mission is to reform the various shapes of the world. This doesn’t necessarily have to be achieved through showing every detail. Sometimes, leaving certain details blurry will produce a gap in the visual scene that prompts the viewer to have curiosity. This curiosity gap provides the viewer with a space to fill in with his or her own thoughts and ideas or encourages them to learn more about the subject they see.




專業技術仍是必備條件 Technical skill is an inevitable necessity


Street photography is a technically oriented work. When you are out on the street, in the real world, the word continues to turn around you and so much is happening. There is not an extra second available for you to react and respond. In essence, you must possess quality knowledge of photography skills, allowing you to freely handle your camera. Just think, there is no time to peep into the camera monitor and adjust your settings multiple times. The moment will happen only once. Enhancing your photography skills and technical preparation will help you to be ready for that one moment. Note beforehand which direction the light is shining from, what mood would showcase the subject best, or which camera adjustment is needed in that situation. Write everything down as it comes up in your mind and check the technical numbers to make sure they are all correct.




拍攝的首要條件:尋找光源  Finding the light is always priority


At its core and base, photography is light-driven work. The beauty of photography is to about capturing shapes created by light. Investigating a good quality light source is the first step you need to take and always the first decision to make. For beginners, I suggest staying in one spot for a long time until you get used to your surroundings and the ambience is more predictable. Then, you will find that you can more easily do your work.




學習沒有捷徑 There are no shortcuts to learning


The only way to learn and improve your photography skills is to get out of the door with your camera and take lots of images. Do this day after day until one day, where you may capture one or two images that give you the slightest glimmer of hope. I can give no other words of wisdom and methods for learning photography than to simply sacrifice time.








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