

A visionary adventure   


回到我的年少時光,最快樂的事情之一就是翻閱我姊姊書櫃裡的書,《螞蟻帝國》(La Revolution Des Fourmis, 法國作家伯納德·韋伯) 則是其中我最喜愛的一本,這本書描述生活中微不足道的螞蟻,卻如鋪天蓋地般震撼了我。書中提到:對螞蟻來說,人類是由五顆巨大的球體所組成,而所謂的「人類」,僅是足以覆蓋牠們視線的五根手指頭罷了。當人類伸手侵犯牠們,便如同五顆隕石同時撞擊地球,在那瞬間帶走牠們的家人,並留下殘缺不堪的軀體。牠們甚至看不清這手掌背後人體的樣貌,那是一片黑又模糊的深色寂靜;一個無形、未知的可怕力量。

When I was young, one of my favorite pastimes was to read novels selected from my sister’s bookshelf. A favorite novel of mine was the Empire of the Ants (La Revolution Des Fourmis, by French author, Bernard Werber). In the novel, the ants describe humans as five gigantic balls. From an ant’s perspective, our fingers look like a huge sphere; the rest of the human body is too enormous to be seen and appears as a dark and blurry shape. Five balls show up from the sky, taking members of the ant family away and returning them with no arms or heads. Understandably, to the ants, humans are a terrorizing power and an inexplicable phenomenon!



我們所看到的世界,僅僅是硬幣的其中一面。 The world we see is one side of a coin.



Then, what will happen if we become the ants and traverse to another visionary world. (by examining how ants see the world and mimicking their perspectives, as a photographer)? This is a magnificent idea that allows us to see the world differently from a completely novel outlook that we have not peered out of before.




Like a stranger, a foreigner ; we show others what we see! This will be a euphoric adventure we can take together. To view the world from a unique perspective is the only way to take your photography to the next level!






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