



我最常被問到關於棚燈架設的問題是:我是偏好持續光源還是閃光燈?在過去這11年中,由於我的拍攝技術成長和風格的轉變,這個問題的答案已經有了改變。當我第一次開始拍攝時,我只使用閃光燈,因為當時持續光的效果沒這麼好,或者是說還不夠成熟。因此,我使用無線觸發器來同步啟動閃光燈,所以我的Pocket Wizards 無線引閃器,跟我是形影不離。

One of the more frequently-asked questions I get when it comes to studio lighting is this: Do I prefer continuous lighting or strobes? The answer to that question has changed over the last near eleven years of shooting portraits in the studio, due to changes in technology and changes to my shooting style.When I first started shooting, I used only strobe lighting because the technology behind continuous lighting was simply not there yet, meaning not powerful enough. In addition, the lights became too hot to be safe, and the color of the lighting wasn’t optimal either. So I shot with strobes that simply triggered by a wireless device, like the Pocket Wizards I keep with me often.



在我大部分的創作裡,我使用Canon speed lights或是棚燈來完成拍攝,但是我發現其中有一些缺點,並不是所有的拍攝場景都適用(無法滿足所有的打光需求或是達到你要畫面)。因此,最近我也開始使用持續光源來完成我的作品。

For amateur photographer, it’s time to buy continuous light for the main part, I use speed lights or strobes for all of my creative shots . I have found, though, that there are some negatives to flash and they don’t work in every situation, Because of that, recently I’ve been exploring some options with continuous lighting



First of all, today’s continuous lighting systems are more powerful and cooler to the touch – even after they have been on for a while! They now come in white-balance-friendly daylight fluorescents, too. And, third, because I spend so much time interacting with my subjects and encouraging them to move freely, the broad, constant lighting is quite nice – I no longer need to worry about constantly adjusting them. I just drag and reposition them as needed here and there.




Means that when you turn the studio lights on, they stay on – like a video light . You can power them up or down, based on what you need, but they produce What You See Is What You Get lighting. Assuming you expose everything correctly in camera, what you see before you will be the lighting you capture in the frame. Exactly how you light the scene (and the individuals in the scene) will photograph just like what you see before you click the shutter.







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